Sunday, April 18, 2004

So after my last boring entry, where my mind was just stuck in a state of blandness, as I laid down to go to sleep, my brain woke up. Not in a useful way. I don't have any real interest in writing that essay that I have to finish for Monday. I don't have any new ideas to add to my writings. Just more enthusiasm for blog-writing on movies. And I'm just going to ramble. But I'll keep it short. It won't be a stream-of-consciousness thing recounting the thoughts on movies.

Laying in bed, my thoughts turned to Jeunet & Caro, why it's sad they split up... I'm not sure which is which, but one has stopped doing movies and the other did solo stuff like Alien: Resurrection and Amelie. I liked the stuff done as a team, more, and I prefer Delicatessen to City Of Lost Children. I guess I've already written about this, how City Of Lost Children looks cooler and has more visual ideas. But Delicatessen works for me more because... I guess it's weirder. It's darker. I can very easily see my grandparents getting into City Of Lost Children, and it's basically a children's movie as I recall, even though it got an R rating somehow. I don't know how that happened. But Delicatessen is much more plot-oriented, more interesting, and probably not as wide in its appeal. The thought of movies for family members as opposed to movies just for me brought me to thinking of The Triplets Of Belleville, and how I like that movie a lot. Probably my number two favorite movie of 2003. Which was a weak year. I don't like being the guy who makes lists that rank things. Sometimes I just do it, but I'm not happy when that happens. Anyway, yeah, a lot less wide appeal on that one. Especially compared with the other movie up for the Best Animated Oscar, Finding Nemo, which probably would actually make the bottom of my top 5 list. 2003 was pretty weak for movies... Another topic I've already covered.

What I really wanted to talk about was that, at the IMDB, Sylvain Chomet's working on another movie currently. That movie has a title, Barbacoa. After that, the IMDB lists something that was just announced and not in production yet, for 2006, going by the title Untitled Sylvain Chomet 3-D Project. Which... I didn't take the Perception program Evergreen offers. It was all about the senses and whatnot. Some people who read this took that program though, so I'll ask them: Is it possible for the part of the brain that processes visual information to have orgasms?

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