Monday, May 17, 2004

I had too much to dream last night.

Like when I woke up, I didn't quite know where I was, and I felt like I'd slept for a thousand years. I woke up tired of sleep. It was like I'd relived large chunks of my entire life, in a way, although they were condensed and fucked with.

I was at my grandparents for a while, and I ate an ice cream cone and watched an episode of South Park. This wasn't even the first time my mind has invented an episode of South Park out of whole cloth. This one involved a turkey dressed as an astronaut, Butterz, and making fun of the movie Batman And Robin. Which I've never seen, so I just worked out that what they were making fun of was the movie Batman and Robin. I basically invented things to mock about that movie out of whole cloth too.

There was also a part where I was waiting for the bus at the stop that would take me back to Evergreen, but there were also some assholish kids I went to high school with. Not the ones at my bus stop, but I think they were friends of them. Anyway, when the bus came, they wave it past (as if to say we're waiting for another bus, even though the stop we were at only has that one bus line) in order to score drugs. I picked up a lot of quarters from the ground, and one of the dudes was apparently into Crystal Meth. I'm sure I had other dreams.

All the dreams were dense, but not with meaning.

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